Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Thing Ten - Wiki work!

Well, I jumped in that water and got all wet again! But I didn't drown! I made a wiki! It's not much to look at yet, but I added a page for the Where's Wanda Wiki that I mentioned in the last post. I hope it works well. We'll see. It was easy to make the wiki. I did mine open to the public because I want Wanda to be sent all over, but I'm thinking of making a private one that the kids can post to in computer class. Looking at the teacher help for wikispace, It should not be hard to give them access, wikispaces does it if you send them a list. I'm still concerned about it staying appropriate, but I'll just keep an eye on it and see. My space is here if you want to check it out! Feel free to add to the page called "23 things" and test it out.

1 comment:

Ron Houtman said...

You did the wiki! Great job. One of the things I found is that with my 11th and 12th grade students - as soon as I created it and let them know about it - they just took off and created tons of helpful content.

The best part was this: they felt like the had ownership of their learning.