Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ning 18 - I mean Thing 18

I must confess that I had no clue what you were talking about when you said "NING" and "Social Networking" I looked through the site, and was still confused. I had to look it up on Wikipedia! I took a lot of time looking through the site and forums and blogs and individual members and education sites. It's an interesting idea, but I don't think practical for students K-4 that I teach. There doesn't seem to be the controls we need to protect students. At least that's what I understand from the blogs and forum questions. Maybe for High School, but I'd bet our district wouldn't allow the NING. However, I could see it as being useful between teachers within a school or within the district. It may be that there are quicker solutions when questions are asked or ideas shared this way as opposed to calling or emailing a fellow teacher who can't answer and sends it on, etc. In fact, you would get multiple ideas shared across the board. Someone in the district is bound to have had the same problem before, or already made up a lesson you want to tackle, etc. I think I'll look into starting one for our district.

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