Sunday, September 14, 2008

Thing 14 - It all started with a seed (POD)

Podcasts! I've listened to some before, I didn't actually realize that they were so new. I checked out several of the sites. Many were for students above the elementary level, but I found a few very good. The "storynory" site was good, lots of stories for kids to listen to. I spotted this one right away and listened because I know my kindergarten teachers do a unit on the gingerbread man. It's one more they can use. Another good story site is there are a lot of classics there, either single stories or a chapter by chapter, like "Alice in Wonderland".

I also found the SanDiego Zoo podcasts cool. They have information about the animals as well as a glimps into the zoo. Third grade researched animals last year and the kids loved looking up info on animals. I found some videos they could watch and I think these podcasts will be a great addition for them. The site has some video podcasts about the early years of the zoo and the animals they had there. Very interesting.

I also checked out Grammar girl it looks like it has a few things that will work for elementary, like the "Everybody: Singular or Plural" but the teachers would need to read ahead and pick a section the kids should hear as some of it is too complicated for elementary. It would be perfect for middle or high school though.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Thing 13 - the show must go on

I took a look at the options. Thumbstacks is easy and most like a standard presentation. Students could use this for classroom presentations. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles of PowerPoint, but it is sufficiant for simple presentations. It can be pulled up on any computer, PC or Mac, without any particular program as long as it has internet, so that's a plus. And it's free. I made this 3 page slideshow in a few minutes, (once I made the pictures public in Flickr)

Slideshare you have to have a slideshow to download, so you need a program to begin with, but then you can open it anywhere or email the link and someone could see it on the other side of the world without the same program. I like the idea of combining a slideshow and a podcast to make a webcast. I might use that to show students or other teachers how to use some programs or websites.

Slide is super easy and very cool. Kids will like it, but it's not a school or professional slidshow. It is fun though! I made this in about 1 minute
I can see using this to share pictures with family and friends.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Thing 12 - On with the show!

I tried the Zoho Show. Again I like Power Point better but it's pretty good if you don't own PPT. I made a show and published it here.

I think this could be a good multi media lesson for students. I do Powerpoint presentations with 4th graders and not all of them have PPT at home. I may show them this once they've learned powerpoint as an option for those who don't have PPT and want to make shows at home for school. They would have to post it to the web publically though. I tried exporting and saving as both a powerpoint doc and a powerpoint show and I couldn't get either one to open on my computer in the powerpoint application.

I tried Library thing I love that. I belong to a book club and want to use it to help remember names of books read there as well as at home. I think it's great! Teachers could easily use it to list books they suggest students read. Great product and very easy to use.

Thing 11 - More trouble than it's worth???

I think the applications are great if you don't have another option but they are no threat to MS office! Maybe, once you've gotten used to it, you can navigate it better than I can. I've made a document and made it public. I couldn't post it to my Blog. It said the Blog was unavailable (I noticed it split the name of the Blog, maybe it's too long?) If making it public worked, you can find it here.