Sunday, September 14, 2008

Thing 14 - It all started with a seed (POD)

Podcasts! I've listened to some before, I didn't actually realize that they were so new. I checked out several of the sites. Many were for students above the elementary level, but I found a few very good. The "storynory" site was good, lots of stories for kids to listen to. I spotted this one right away and listened because I know my kindergarten teachers do a unit on the gingerbread man. It's one more they can use. Another good story site is there are a lot of classics there, either single stories or a chapter by chapter, like "Alice in Wonderland".

I also found the SanDiego Zoo podcasts cool. They have information about the animals as well as a glimps into the zoo. Third grade researched animals last year and the kids loved looking up info on animals. I found some videos they could watch and I think these podcasts will be a great addition for them. The site has some video podcasts about the early years of the zoo and the animals they had there. Very interesting.

I also checked out Grammar girl it looks like it has a few things that will work for elementary, like the "Everybody: Singular or Plural" but the teachers would need to read ahead and pick a section the kids should hear as some of it is too complicated for elementary. It would be perfect for middle or high school though.

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