Friday, October 3, 2008

Thing 23 - I hear the fat lady singing! Must be over!

I did it! I had doubts that I could finish once school started, but I did it! I really enjoyed this! I am constantly trying to get the teachers in my school more aware of the technology available. Many of the other TLTs in our district are somewhat shy of exploring the possibilities. I am just grateful for having the opportunity to try out so many new things. Some were not useful to me, but most were useful in one way or another, either for work or home. And a few will be very very useful and, hopefully, used to excite teachers and students in our school.

The best for students? Where to start ... Blogging - Great stuff. It really helped to put my thoughts and words on "paper" so to speak. It's great to look back on now, as a reminder, of the many new things I've tried. A lot in a short time to take in and blogging it helps sort it all out. I intend to show my students my blog while explaining the technology and Internet safety. I am a fan of the wiki too. I hope to use that with some of my classes. It may have to be as a "whole class" project rather than individual, but at least they'll be exposed and know what blogs and wikis are (unlike their teacher who didn't have much of a clue at the start off all this.) Flikr is great, didn't know it could do so much. And I always wanted to know more about podcasting. I may try to add a podcast or two to my webpage.

My very favorite and most useful to me is the social bookmarking. I will be using this a lot for both school and home. I can't wait to get my very favorite favorites onto delicious! I'm not importing them because it's time to weed them out anyway. I hope to introduce it to other TLTs too.

It's been a great experience. I appreciate it being made available to me. I love learning about technology, and know that this is one subject where the learning will never end. Join me! Awww, come on in, the water's fine!

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